The dissemination event in Romania took place in Craiova on June 17, 2021. There were 47 participants. 44 Romanian people – teachers, school principals from Craiova and NGO representatives, and 3 foreign participants – 2 volunteer students from the Republic of Moldova and the president of the EDU2GROW Association from Portugal. The Romanian project team prepared numerous materials for the participants: folders, pens, presentations, flyers, information materials and memory sticks that contained the Teacher’s Manual created in the project.
The participants were presented to the project results and the Resource Pack. They were also acquainted with the benefits of using non-formal educational methods in the teaching and learning process.
There were 2 workshops – one from the Identity and active citizenship module. The participants gained knowledge about organizing campaigns to combat violence. The second workshop was about examples of good practice in non-formal education.
The teachers who participated in the project and piloted the training resources with with the students shared the experience gained.
Examples of good practice were much appreciated.
The audience appreciated the event highly and asked for such events to take place more often.
Participation diplomas were awarded to the teachers who attended the event.